Speaker: Ptra Cora Adap
Morning Service
God called Moses to be the deliverer and the calling came through the miracle of the burning bush. Godrevealed to Moses that he will be His man of God to free Israel from captivity and lead them into the promised land.
However, Moses was aware of his own weaknesses and much more aware of the difficulties, challenges and that the burden of being a leader is not an easy task. But he has been called by God Himself and was equipped for a holy calling. That could not be just taken for granted.
No one applied to be a leader in the church, it is the Lord who appointed them. Our leaders also knew how difficult leadership can be. There would be a lot of challenges in handling diverse members.
Lets take a look at the story of Moses. He has been set apart to lead and handle such murmuring people of Israel. It became Moses’ burden to see the Israelites complain about everything ever since they have been freed from Egypt though the Lord has never failed to provide them with protection in the form of pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night and water and manna for sustenance.
Like Moses, our leaders have also been encountering these very same complaints in our present day linggo. Their authority were being questioned by the people under them constantly. Let us not forget that what we should do as members, is to pray for our leaders so that the Lord would guide them in all their decisions and actions. Respect and submission are two essential things that we should give to our leaders in whatever circumstances we face. Meanwhile, leaders must do the same for their members, to allow God’s revelation to manifest in their midst and be channels of blessing unto them.
Characters of a Good Leader
1.Prayerful heart – any moment you develop a heart for leadership, start praying for God’s direction for your calling and ministry. As a shepherd, your responsibility is to keep and protect the flock of sheep God has entrusted to you. To keep everyone united in the spirit of love and goodwill. Prayer is the key!
2. Good heart – as a leader, you need not be envious whenever your member is called for a higher calling. A leader with a good heart rejoices for his members’ growth and accomplishments.
3. Humble heart – no matter how great your achievements are, the Lord still chooses the one with a humble heart. The Lord searches the intentions of the heart. We see Moses as a model for humility as he relied unto the Lord and did not rely on his own abilities and experiences alone.
4. Intercessory heart – Moses interceded for Israel and stood for them in the presence of the Lord. It is very important for a leader to consistently pray for his members because they cannot pray for themselves in times of deep troubles. Hence, our leaders will be the ones to carry us in prayer and intercession.
How can we maintain our holiness?
Always be on guard: If we will not be watchful of our ways, we could be left behind in the second coming of Jesus. Let us focus ourselves on things above.
Partakers of Christ’s sufferings: one said that, “Ang buhay ng Kristyano ay masayang tunay”, but in reality, a Christian life is full of ups and downs. There will be responsibilities that comes when we become partakers of Christ.
Usable vessel: our lives must be a useful instrument in God’s kingdom. In order for our lives to be useful, it should first be purified and blameless in the eyes of God.
Wear your armor: our physical and spiritual bodies must be sustained by faith and love. The heat of our love can melt anyone’s tough heart.
Praying Always: rejoice and again rejoice in the presence of the Lord in whatever circumstances.
Be faithful, not lazy: The Lord can never bless our laziness. Our church is a working church that encourages everyone to become workers of the Lord and of His Kingdom.
Conclusion: Be leaders, be faithful, walk in holiness as the Lord is Holy and has been faithful and is continually being faithful to us. Be a channel of God’s holy and bountiful blessings! Amen!
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