Speaker: Bro. Angel Serrano
Context: Joshua 5:10-12
The Book of Joshua is a book of hope. It tells us about the story and the conquering of the promise land. The story of Joshua proves that God is faithful. There are so many circumstances as well as written evidences in the Bible that proves God’s faithfulness, that He makes a way out of peril. The manna of Israelites stopped when they became stiff-necked and murmured about everything despite of the miracles that God did in their behalf. We are prone to complaining, as a human it is our natural tendency. Yet we must put in mind that God has always been faithful in providing everything that we need, even the things that we don’t deserve because that is just the way He is – a faithful God.
God is willing to give us every blessing that He has promised, the question is if we are ready to receive those promises. When the Israelites were thirsty, God has given them water out of a rock. For the reason that God wanted us to see Him as a miracle maker. Not only He wants us to see His miracles but also how He can provide our daily bread.
Manna means “what is it?” – A question. It speaks of a blessing that we do not expect. These are the things that we don’t ask from the Lord but He has given us willingly. The unexpected blessings that came to us, that we received from God – these are our manna.
Reasons for stopping the Manna:
- New desire in your heart
Manna is a way for us to get by. But God doesn’t want us to only get by. He wanted us to receive more than what we expect. - New demand on your faith
As we enter the promised land, we are required to go to a deeper level of faith. Manna is being given by God everyday but the fruit of the land needs seeding. He has shared us the seed and we should plant and cater it. It is a faith that works. We are tested to wait. God tests our patience. When our problems are big, He wants us to be faithful to Him despite and believe that everything shall come to pass. It is a faith that waits.
- New delight in your mouth
Passover is a celebration when something has passed over. It is something that should have happened but never happened because you have the blood of Christ in your heart. There should be a celebration for a Passover. It is a promise that God is faithful to lift us up from the things that brings us down.